There is something for everyone at Mt. Zion. Whether you are looking to strengthen relationships, engage in mission opportunities, or further develop your faith- we invite you to grow with us.

Learning Opportunities
At Mt. Zion we believe in lifelong faith development. We offer opportunities to learn and growth together through…
Weekly Bible Studies- Tuesday morning, Thursday morning, Sunday Morning
Seasonal Book Studies
Gather Together
Mt. Zion believes in the power of a faith family- a network of people to offer support and friendship in all stages of life. Relationships are built not just on Sundays, but throughout the week.
Tri M
Mt. Zion Men’s Ministry meets regularly for fellowship and faith development.
Made up primarily (but not entirely!) of retirees, Ridgerunners meets monthly for lunch and/or activities in the community, usually on the first Wednesday of the month.
The singles group at Mt. Zion meets monthly for lunch after late worship, usually on the first Sunday of the month.
Mt. Zion Campers
This group travels to Shenandoah National Park every year in July for a long weekend of campfires, hikes and fun. Children are welcome!
Women’s Ministry
The women’s ministry at Mt. Zion has a retreat every spring and then periodic Ladies’ Night Out.
Community Life Events
Throughout the year, Mt. Zion hosts movie nights, game nights, and other fellowship events to strengthen relationships and build our church family.