Mt. Zion Summer of Fun and Games

We invite you to join us at Mt. Zion for a summer of fun and games! Please note that Sunday worship will move to the summer time of 9:45 AM on Sunday, May 26th. We also have events planned outside of summer worship for each of the summer months!

In June, we will go to see the York Revolution on Thursday, June 20th at 6:30 PM. We do ask that you sign up so we know how many tickets to order. Tickets cost $10 a piece. If the cost is a hardship to your family, please reach out to Pastor Amy. You can sign up to join us here.

On Friday, July 19th we’ll have an indoor game night with ice cream from 6:30-8:30 PM.

Finally, on Sunday, August 11th we will have pizza and play outdoor games from 5:30-8:00 PM.