Station yourself at a Welcome Team position. Each position needs only one person, so do not double up until all positions are covered. The positions to cover for a regular Sunday service (in order of priority) are:
- The set of doors at the front entrance (hand out bulletins)
- The set of sanctuary side doors (hand out bulletins, but also assist anyone coming in the front doors)
- The set of doors at the bottom of the stairs at the main entrance (greet and assist)
Exception: if the front door area is icy, the side door person needs to put on a coat and station herself/ himself at the front door. The idea is to be able to jump out and help someone get out of the car and get up the one step without falling. People coming in the side door will need to get their own bulletins (or ask a fellow Welcome Team member not on duty to help out).
If a position is getting low traffic, leave it open. If a position is getting overwhelmed ask someone else who has been trained for the Welcome Team if they can help out.
While you are greeting:
- Be friendly. Greet and welcome people! Yours is the first interaction a person normally has when visiting Mt. Zion. Imagine you are showing up at a strange church for the first time—how would you want to be treated?
- Help people with doors.
- Assist visitors and persons with handicaps. Help them feel comfortable by directing them to coat racks and restrooms (and childcare during the 10:30 service). Ask visitors to sign the guest book.
- Offer to help with coats.
- Offer to help with packages. Some folks struggle to bring in canned goods, cleaning supplies, or whatever. Sometimes our hearts are strong, but our backs are weak.
After the service starts:
- Close the doors to the sanctuary.
- Normally you should sit in the back pew where you can observe what happens in the sanctuary. If you need to sit elsewhere (say, to be with family members) that’s fine, but you still need to be able to fulfill your other duties.
- Keep an eye open for late-comers. Make sure they get a bulletin and make them feel comfortable that being late is okay — we’re just glad they could make it.
- Watch for people with problems. For example, a guest who suddenly gets up in the middle of the service may need to know where the nearest bathroom is, and quickly! Or someone with a crying child who gets up should be directed to the area in the narthex with a rocking chair and children’s activities.
- On the final hymn, open the doors to the sanctuary.
After the service ends:
Do a quick walk-through of the pews to collect bulletins or personal items that may have been left behind.