Weekly Schedule

Tue April 01

10:00 AM

Book study in the parlor

Wed April 02

12:00 PM

Ridgerunners in the Fellowship Hall

Mid-week Lent Service in the sanctuary

6:00 PM

Mid-week Lent potluck in the Fellowship Hall

7:00 PM

Mid-week Lent Service in the sanctuary

Thu April 03

9:30 AM

“Great Expectations” Bible Study in Room 5

6:00 PM

Hand Chime Choir Practice in Bell Choir Room

7:15 PM

Worship choir practice in the choir room

Fri April 04


Youth Group Egg Sorting & Night Time Hunt

Sun April 06

Fifth Sunday of Lent

8:30 AM

Intergenerational Confirmation Class in Room 5

9:45 AM

In-person & streaming service

Children’s Sunday school, during service


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    Facebook Update

    In order to be in compliance with Facebook guidelines, we are moving our Mt. Zion Friends from the main page to a group. We are planning to have this page up and running by Advent, around December 1st. At that time, we will stop posting to our friends page and we will only be posting content for friends in the group. We ask that you join this group so that you can continue to receive updates from Mt. Zion!

    Our business page where we host our streaming services and post more general information about the church will remain available.

    You can request to be a part of the group here.

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    March Monthly Mission — Church World Service

    Please note: The March Monthly Mission has been switched to Church World Service.

    Church World Service has had its funding cut off due to recent executive orders, and without that funding their ministry and mission cannot continue. Mission Core felt like this is an emergent situation, and therefore has decided to move our Good Samaritan Fund collection to later in the year, so that we can collect for Church World Service now. Church World Service provides the blankets we collect an offering for in August, helps to resettle refugees including here in York County through their Lancaster offices, and helps to address food insecurity across the globe in addition to other lifesaving work. Your donations will go towards helping to support them in this time of uncertainty and need. Thank you for your generosity and support.

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    New Choir Director — Amy Peck

    Mt. Zion welcomes Amy Peck to our staff as the new worship choir director! Amy has over 15 years of ministry experience, and a passion for bridging the gap between traditional and contemporary worship styles. After earning her BA in Vocal Performance from Eastern University in 2013, Amy has performed nationally and internationally in many styles. Having a love of music theory, Amy is experienced in voice, piano, guitar, bass, and ukulele. With a true passion for teaching, Amy has mentored and taught music to all ages for over 20 years. Amy loves the Lord and the family of God and is excited to join the Mount Zion Church Family. We are so excited and blessed to welcome Amy!

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    New Worship Time — 9:45 AM Sundays

    This is just a friendly notice that starting Sunday, May 26th, we will have just one service worship time, in person and streaming, at 9:45 AM. Please mark your calendars for this change!

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    Women’s Retreat, May 16–18

    Ladies of Mt. Zion, the Women’s retreat will soon be here! The retreat is taking place Friday, May 16 through Sunday, May 18. To reserve your spot, please return the registration form / health form that can be found in the back narthex, along with a $50 deposit by March 24 to Travis in the Church Office. The total cost of the retreat is $230 per person for a double room and $250 per person for a single room. Included in the cost of the retreat is your lodging (motel-style room with 1 other lady or as a single), your meals (5 total meals), the workbook we will be using, all supplies that you will need, and a welcome gift. The remaining money will be due by April 17. If this is a financial hardship, please don’t hesitate to speak with Pastor Amy or Elaine Bevivino so that you can still attend. We do not want cost to be a factor in whether or not you choose to participate. Please also note that after April 17, if you decide that you no longer wish to attend the retreat or are unable to attend, your payment will still be needed, as we will be required to pay Camp Hebron for your spot by late April.

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    Scam Warning — Text Messages Masquerading as Pastor Amy

    Unfortunately, we were made aware that a scammer has been asking for gift cards or a favor using Pastor Amy’s name. They have been sending text messages in which they ask you to buy the gift cards and then send them the barcode for the gift card. As a reminder, Pastor Amy has not given out her cell phone number, so you will not be receiving text messages from her.

    If you ever question the legitimacy of a text or an email from a staff member or something that just doesn’t seem quite right — please call the church office to verify.

    Though our church is blessed to have members who are generous with their time, talent, and treasure, the staff takes great care to be specific in our communications if we are asking for assistance with a ministry in the church, so vague texts and emails are a good signal that it is fraudulent. In addition, we will NEVER ask you to purchase gift cards and send us the numbers electronically. When in doubt, verify by contacting us directly.

    We don’t know why people do these kinds of things. It is frustrating and takes away from the real good that can be done. Thanks for your vigilance and care, friends.

    We are sorry for the inconvenience.

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    Community Aid Partnership

    As a reminder, we have a partnership with Community Aid where we received credit for items donated under our partnership number: 20053.

    When you donate items to a community aid store, you can either tell our partner number to the staff member assisting you or staple it on the outside of the bag. With our partnership, we also receive Care Cards to give to individuals in need and can also be eligible for applying for emergency grants.

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We have a heart for outreach and missions both locally and globally. We support a variety of charities and organizations and are always looking for volunteers.

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If you have questions about our ministry or are interested in learning more about Mt. Zion UCC, get in touch with us.